This is just a place for me to post pictures of my yard, my cat, my dog and my life in general...
Monday, June 30, 2008
owen vs maddie
Owen got to finally meet his cousin Maddie (she's from Alabama!!) a couple weeks ago and boy was he unsure about her. Not only was this little thing about a third his size, but she had the most energy he had ever seen in another animal. After they sniffed each others butt, they started to play and things were going pretty well - just lots of running back and forth and constant chasing. But after the 100th circle Maddie ran around Owen, he decided that she just needed to chill he took a swipe at her. And that about ended their meeting. Here are a few pics of their tryst.
Owen - waiting for Maddie to jump on the bed, but it
was too high for he just sat there like this
was too high for he just sat there like this
Maddie chasing Owen...
i like rainbows
Yeah, it's true. I like rainbows. I think they are simply one of the coolest things God created, besides people of course (and Owen). And the best part is that I've seen 2 rainbows in 2 weeks. When was the last time you could say that?
The first four pictures are taken from my yard on Sunday - happened about 20 minutes after a thunderstorm passed over our house. Props to Jarrod for looking out the window and spotting it, thus causing me to make a mad dash through the house to find my camera and some flip flops so I could capture it.

The first four pictures are taken from my yard on Sunday - happened about 20 minutes after a thunderstorm passed over our house. Props to Jarrod for looking out the window and spotting it, thus causing me to make a mad dash through the house to find my camera and some flip flops so I could capture it.
This is the rainbow that quickly appeared and disappeared over Lake Burton
during our visit 2 weeks ago
during our visit 2 weeks ago
Sunday, June 22, 2008
yard round up on 6/22
We got a little rain over the weekend - nothing to get excited about but I'll take what I can get! Most of the activity this week has been at my mailbox. My gladiolas are in full bloom and my daylilies are still going strong. I know it doesn't look like much in the pictures below, but you should've seen this mailbox area when we bought the house - it was pretty ugly and color was nonexistent!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
birds - what's not to love?!
Since I am fond of animals, I need to balance out a negative post on animals with a positive one. So, here's a round up of birds that have visited my yard and my feeders.
SQUIRRELS (hyuh), what are they good for?
Absolutely nothing. That's right - nothing other than to entertain my cat. Seriously folks! They eat the sunflower seeds I put out for the birds. They dig up the bulbs that I plant and either ruin them or move them to an undisclosed location. And, they dig in my flower pots. This is what I came home to today...
Friday, June 6, 2008
the balloon flower
The balloon flower, also known as the Chinese Bellflower, is a pretty cool perennial and new to my yard. I purchased it at Creative Enterprises about a month ago. They are a non-profit organization that specializes in vocational rehabilitation and employment training for adults with disabilities in Lawrenceville. CE is a really great place to purchase plants - reasonably priced and very knowledgeable staff. Plus, they have a stinky pig that hangs out at the greenhouse - I think her name is Lucy.
Anyways, it's been fun to watch the buds turn into blooms on this plant. The buds essentially swell up and get all puffy right before the petals burst out and form these star-like shapes. The photos below show the process...
Anyways, it's been fun to watch the buds turn into blooms on this plant. The buds essentially swell up and get all puffy right before the petals burst out and form these star-like shapes. The photos below show the process...
the swelled bud
yard round up on 6/6
I'm going to try and make this a weekly feature since plants peak at various times. It will help me to log growth and the "bloom window" for many of these plants.
the ubiquitous daylily - love the color of this one - it came from my grandmother's yard
my huge Annabelle hydrangea
purple gladiola - love this shot because it looks like it's peering around
the corner of the fence to see what I'm doing
the ubiquitous daylily - love the color of this one - it came from my grandmother's yard
my huge Annabelle hydrangea
purple gladiola - love this shot because it looks like it's peering around
the corner of the fence to see what I'm doing
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
...look like butterfly
This is a Gulf Fritillary butterfly that visited my yellow Lantana last summer...
farewell to chipmunk
So, this morning I was watering the plants on my front porch (with grey water, no less) and I noticed our neighbor's cat, Ciara, chilling out in my yard. Since I'm pretty confident in my cat-reading skills, I knew she was stalking something...I just didn't know WHAT until it leapt up in the air and fell back to the ground. Being such an immature animal lover, I realized it was a chipmunk and immediately ran back inside to get my camera - I had to get the picture for my new blog, duh. Anyways, I come back out and they're still in the same cat/chipmunk position so I snap away. After a couple of minutes I thought - "Am I just going to observe this cute, rarely-seen critter get mauled by this neighborhood cat or am I going to do what I've done since I was a kid and try to rescue it?" The answer was obvious. I put the camera down and hurried down my front steps to rescue the chipmunk (FYI - I'm already ready for work, so in work clothes and heels). Needless to say, Ciara was pissed! I tried to shoo her away but she was hell-bent on playing with that chipmunk. I finally got close enough to scoop up the chipmunk, but since I was being so careful (didn't want to get bitten) it was able to wiggle its way out of my hand. As soon as it hopped back to the ground, Ciara ran over and picked that thing up by the nape of its neck and carried it to my neighbor's yard and out of my reach. I was heartbroken. By the time Jarrod and I left for work, it was clear that Ciara was still trying to play with it, even though it was probably dead. I decided to post my pictures of this brave lil' chipmunk to pay tribute...RIP.
Monday, June 2, 2008
ode to owen
Sunday, June 1, 2008
oh, happy hydrangea
I've got the first post jitters. What can I say about my young and in-bloom blue hydrangea? It has made a strong comeback this year, despite last summer's drought (that definitely decreased its bloom window). This hydrangea is a descendant of a massive one in my grandmother's yard -- there's no telling how long it has been rooted. She gave me this section a couple years ago and it didn't take long before it had more blooms than leaves. Also posted are two pictures of its sister hydrangea that we planted in the backyard. It's quite a chameleon -- sported blue, pink and purple blooms last year and this year it seems to be a nice blend of the three colors. Guess I should experiment with more lime come fall...
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