Monday, May 17, 2010

love this little bird

This is a Red-bellied Woodpecker and it loves our suet feeder. It's abrupt when it swoops in and it doesn't like to be watched, but I've managed to snap a few pics of it along the way. And for the record, these pictures could be of more than one RBW as I have seen two at the feeder at once. Yeah, it was pretty cool but no pics to prove it. :(

snow birds

Who writes about snow birds in May other than the Miami Herald? That's right - people who haven't blogged in 5 months. Below are some of the creatures who visited my bird feeders during our little spouts of snow this past Jan/Feb.

female Cardinal
Yellow-rumped Warbler
a trio of male American Goldfinch
Eastern Towhee
male Hairy Woodpecker
Yellow-rumped Warbler
female American Robin w/a gimpy right leg
male American Goldfinch (bottoms up!)

out of hibernation

Wow. Has it really been 5 months since my last post? The good news is that I have taken a lot of pictures this year, so bear with me as I'm about to string together some random, possibly out-of-chronological-order posts.