Saturday, February 19, 2011

cuckoo for cuckoo clocks

Jarrod really outdid himself this past Christmas. And by that I mean he got me an official Black Forest cuckoo clock straight outta Germany. My camera's not fast enough to get a shot of the cuckoo bird, so for now enjoy a couple aesthetic shots.

margot ♥ snow

Yes, I'm still talking about snow. I think I've said this on the blog before, but Margot really likes snow. She likes to run in it and she loves to eat it. I captured a couple pics of her having the best time playing in last month's snow.


It's weird to be writing a post about the crazy snowstorm that hit Atlanta last month, mainly because it's 75 degrees outside and sunny. Let's go back to January and the week that snow + ice = snice shut the city down.

On that first snow day, Jarrod and I both thought it would be "so fun" to walk to the Brick Store. It's only a 5-minute drive from our house, so we guessed it would be about a 1.5 mile walk - not bad. We head out and pretty much ice skate our way there in like 55 minutes. Yeah, a bit further than we thought (2.3 miles) and the conditions slowed us down a bit. I documented our journey through a completely desolated downtown Decatur. Memories were made.

Walking down College Ave, across from Farmstead 303
Trying to hitch a ride on Church St. b/c ice was getting out of control
Jarrod laughing b/c my "snowshoes" are not preventing me from
skating across icy surfaces

College Ave, in front of Agnes Scott
Jarrod decided he wanted to do cartwheels on Agnes Scott's lawn
Nice landing