Tuesday, August 12, 2008

thrashers and chipmunks and squirrels having sex?!

So the feeder was hopping with activity this past weekend. We had the usual visitors - cardinals, squirrels, chickadees, titmice - and then some unusual visitors that included a pair of Brown Thrashers, an Eastern Towhee and a chipmunk.

Brown Thrasher making a meal out of an earthworm - you
can barely see the bottom of the worm on the stick
Cute lil' chipmunk - it didn't get mauled by our neighbor's cat, fyi
and nibbling on the seeds knocked off by the squirrels...
cute shot of the chipmunk's butt
standing at attention...
This looks like squirrels wrestling, right?
Getting ready....
.....and GO! yeah, squirrels were having sex right before my eyes
Now I know why people use the term "squirrelly"

1 comment:

Pooja Khanna said...

did i read that right?
tit mice?