Saturday, October 18, 2008

owen needs some lurve

For all of you out there who are afraid Owen is being completely neglected with the onslaught of Margot, you're 99% wrong. That 1% is the act of throwing the mouse back and forth because Margot loves Owen's mice about as much as he did.....and even though Owen is fast Margot finds a way to beat him to it. And she's not very nice about sharing the mice so we usually never see it again because she eats it or hides it. Also, Owen doesn't really get fussed at like in the past when he did something wrong, so he's gliding by these days.

Anyways, here are some pics of Owen from the last couple weeks. He's really doing okay, guys...
he loves this window/bench!
looking for Ciara...
showing Margot who's boss

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