I am failing at this blog thing. I'm much better at tweeting and lately even my Facebook-ing eclipses my blogging...or attempt to blog. Well, I hope that's about to change because I have more to blog about these days.
Back in late January - just as the protests in Cairo escalated - I got sick. I wasn't bedridden sick -- it was more a 'still able to go to work' sick - but I still felt pretty crappy. As the news grew more intense, my days became longer and weekends became shorter. (Don't get me wrong - this is the nature of my job. It's just that I had no idea we were entering the longest period of continuous breaking news in YEARS, so we weren't prepared for the marathon that is essentially still going on!)
Fast forward a few weeks and my body was sending me clear signs that it was in distress...so I stayed home from work just one day. And wouldn't you know the day President Mubarak decided to step down was the same day I was face down on my couch exhausted, sick and dealing with some unusual symptoms. Something inside me told me to head to Rite Aid and pick up additional cough syrup (b/c I had a crazy bad cough) and a pregnancy test or 2 or 3. So, that's what I did. I took 3 tests over a 2-day period and they were all positive. The next week I made an appointment with my doctor just to be sure. She confirmed it and here we are today at 28.5 weeks pregnant. Back in May (after our great trip out West) Jarrod and I found out we were expecting a baby boy in mid-October. Here are a couple pics to confirm this great news (and the baby's gender).
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