Friday, September 17, 2010

bleeding heart - UPDATE!

UPDATE: I have been informed by a loyal reader that this is NOT a bleeding heart - it's a Turk's Cap. Thanks, Loyal Reader.

Last year I planted a bleeding heart plant that I think came from my Grandmother? Anyways, it's a funny little plant that has done really well this summer, despite the HOT July sun and now waterless August/September. Order of photos is first blooms in August to multiple blooms per head from last weekend.

P.S. the "hummies" love this plant :)

hummingbirds, round 1

I've had many hummingbird sightings this year, which of course has been fantastic for me. Jarrod makes fun of me for always peeking out the window to see if there's been any activity at the feeders, but I think he's secretly a "hummie" lover like myself. Hah! Anyways, I don't have the best camera in the world, which means I have to take 30 pictures just to get 1-2 decent shots of these little creatures. But I admit, I do enjoy waiting for them to zoom by, snack for a few seconds, and then take off for one of our trees. To me, bird watching is much like fishing -- you have to be incredibly patient, but in time it will pay off and in this case, the reward is a great shot! So, bear with me as I've been shooting for the last 5-6 weeks and just now getting around to posting.

The first batch of photos is of the male Ruby-throated hummingbird who has claimed our feeders as his territory. Watching him fight off other males and females has been hilarious...

love this shot I got of him at dusk - much easier to see his red throat!